Friday, February 29, 2008

D Day

Today is the day.....we are going to get our taxes done this evening. This means all those hours of work in getting the numbers in the correct column that I needed to do all year long will be done today. What am I doing? Well, basically, anything that will put off digging into the numbers! I know I need to just get myself to the table, sprawl out all the papers and dig in. Once I start, I know it won't be as bad as all the energy I have spend thinking about it. For days, I have been thinking and thinking of getting this stuff together and just pooping out when it came down to actually getting pencil to paper. Well, now, the clock is ticking and I am still waiting!!! My inner teacher is saying, "Snap out of it."

Isn't it great how every other job in the house seems to be more important than starting on the taxes? Yesterday, I switched all my spices into three wonderful lazy susan spice containers and I had my friends over for dinner. Doing all that I didn't have time for taxes and then later, I couldn't mess up the dining room table. After dinner, I was just too tired to start on them because I truly am a morning person.

For today, I promise not to answer the door or the phone until the job is finished. I know that the one phone call or visitor will pull me out of my focus and now this is serious business. In eight short hours, I will be handing over these numbers to a very competent tax person and that will feel priceless!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So much has happened

Yes, it has been too long, I know. Getting to make myself call up the page and put some words into sentences was just one more thing that I allowed to slip away.

The photoa above give you some idea of what has been going on for the past few months that took up my time. We demoed (a new verb I tend to overuse) the kitchen and found two gifted contractors to do the magic of creating our new space. The totally finished kitchen photos are still stuck in the digital camera but I will get them out soon and show the details.

Looking at the pictures has been an eye opener.....realizing the chaos we were living in physically and mentally just makes my head ache. I heard the horror stories of doing a kitchen remodel and I definitely did not look forward to that part. I found while we were going through it, I just dealt with each piece and although I didn't like the confusion, dust and work, it didn't seem as awful as the pictures look now. It is an interesting process....... doing a remodel. I definitely lack the skill, patience and stamina to make a habit of jobs like this one. I really am enjoying the finished part of this job. Now we are working at getting everything to work as it is supposed to.....our washing machine has decided it doesn't like the rinse cycle or letting cold water pass through or dispensing fabric softener or bleach. I am getting to know our repair man so well now since he has been here three times in two weeks. All in all, I consider myself so lucky to have this wonderful kitchen and all the good feelings the comfort of that room can bring!